Brad Pitt treated for meningitis
Wednesday, July 13, 2005;
Pitt was in Ethiopia last week.
LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Film star Brad Pitt was released on Wednesday from a Los Angeles hospital where he had been admitted for a flu-like illness that turned out to be viral meningitis, his spokeswoman has said.
Pitt, 41, was at home on Wednesday afternoon after his discharge and was "doing well," his publicist said in a statement.
The actor checked in to Cedars Sinai Medical Center on Monday night, a week after returning from a trip to East Africa.
Spokeswoman Cindy Guagenti said on Tuesday that the actor was undergoing tests but was believed to be suffering from influenza.
After his release, her office issued a statement saying Pitt "was diagnosed with a mild case of viral meningitis."
No further information about his condition was offered.
Viral meningitis is an illness that involves inflammation of the tissues covering the brain and spinal cord.
It is generally regarded as serious but is rarely fatal in persons with normal immune systems.
Pitt, who split up with his wife, actress Jennifer Aniston, earlier this year, traveled to Ethiopia last week with actress Angelina Jolie, his co-star in the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith," who went there to finalize the adoption of a baby girl.
All this while Millions honor London bomb victims. Funny to see what kind of stories really make it the NEWS now days.
I mean who cares really if Brad and Angelina are together or not? I'm sure Jennifer cares but why should we (and by that I mean the readers, since they wouldn't be waisting time on press if they weren't selling the story right?) contribute to the constant reminder that her marriage didn't work and her ex is now "with" this sexy woman that everyone seems to be enfatuated with?
I'm sure Jennifer doesn't wake up everyday and think,"Hhmm I wonder where Brad and Angie are now....England, US, Africa...??? I wonder if they are having a baby....I thought Brad didn't want one...oh yeah, now I remember...he didn't want one with me!!!"
You gotta feel bad for her. If my marriage ever comes apart I certainly wouldn't appreciate half of the world reading about it...hell not even my small part of the world, family, friends, etc.
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