"I have crossed oceans of time to find you"
So I've always been into Vampires. I really do not know why. Some may think it's kind of cool to fantacize about living forever and being beautiful for all time. Others may believe it is a sin to wish to have the power to pass through ages and sacrifice the human life.
I am not sure what exactly to believe. To me, living forever wouldn't be that bad. You would have lifetimes to see all that there is in this world to see. The only thing I am not really sure of is the spiritual side of it. What exactly is it that gets lost when you are reborn? Can you still love like a human, or does it make it even more intense because you are not human anymore? When you die, and your body remains and the blood keeps you alive, can you remember who you where before?
At any rate, there has been many versions of vampirism through out the years. Some of my favorite movies, books, etc. have been about vampires. Ask anyone who really knows me and they can tell you that my favorite movie of all time is Bram Stoker's Dracula. It is not so much the vampirism but the idea that Dracula's love was so strong that he couldn't take Mina's life away. I guess I am more into the romantic and sansational aspect of the vampire world than anything else. I don't know what it is about that movie that draws me in. It's as if I was right there next to them every time I watch it.
Interview with the Vampire comes very close to second on my list. Of course, Louie is a big reason why but not just because of the way they made him look. Again, it that thing about the character's soul that attracted me so much. I suppose I saw something of me in him. I have a hard time letting go of the past as well. Anyway, it was a very good adaptation on the book. You can look into it on the author's page.
I remember some of my favorite shows where Forever Knight (and apperarently I am not the only one.) and Kindred: The Embraced. Kindred was interesting because of how they divided the clans of vampires and explained the history between them and how they would interact with eachother in the present day.
Now that the concept of the Vampire has actually evolved with the times, we have movies like Underworld and Blade that really incorporate technology with ancient Vampire clans that have been out there for thousands fo years. It really doesn't matter, it can be modern or a more traditional Vampire concept. I like Many Things Vampire.
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