Not sure what to write at the time. I've been kinda stressing you know? There was something cool that happened during the weekend though. I went to Austin and messed around with the Bose p.a. system and it was the coolest thing. You can go to Bose, or just take a look at it.
I had never heard a sound like this one before. It was amazing. I hadn't heard my ipod sound this good on anything. You know some people criticize Bose because they do not produce "natural" sound...which they don't put that is the beauty of it!! Why would I want to pay more for the "natural" quality of sound when I can get the same results and at a more practical size?I'm telling you that technology was truly amazing. I sang like two songs and fell in love with the machine. I hope I am getting it for sure.
On other notes, I suppose I could do a list of movies I own and songs I have at my disposal. I love carrying my little ipod around, it has become one of my favorite things to have. I listen to music almost anywhere (except while I am in class). Maybe tomorrow. We'll see...
Hey, fun blog. It is nice to see a "quiet" blog after so many out there that are obnoxious and trying to get anyones attention.
Thank you. I hope you enjoy the posts. I might get a little crazier later but that is very unlikely.
You are invited to come back anytime!
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