I should have been practicing yesterday for the singing bit. I just haven’t had energy and Victor still has my guitar. Maybe tonight if I’m not doing anything. I’ve felt weird and it even bothers me when the t.v. is too loud. I get frustrated easily with noise.

I do like some shows though. I’ve been watching Sex & The City, Nip/Tuck, Lost, Commander In Chief, and Desperate Housewives. Not much else other than that and going to the movies. I should start skating again. My greatest fear is to become a couch potato. Seriously. I want to be more active. Hopefully I can stay busy.

My brother is having his concert on October 29, 2005 and he is asking me to help him handle the backstage organization. He says I can handle it because I can boss people around. Hahaha I like to think that it’s because I can be a bit more organized than him and I can handle the pressure. I’m not even sure of what to wear.
So here I am, trying to plan out the next two weeks. As expected things will get in the way. I have to study for a test on Tuesday anyway.
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