I've had a typical weekend I guess. I went to the movies to watch The Constant Garderner on Friday and had dinner at the same time, really.

Then on Saturday I went to watch Lord of War. It was a very sad movie in a very disturbing way. Even though it was a bit morbid and strong, you still felt that you should appreciate your life at the end. I guess it served it's purpose, do you accept yourself as who you are, or do you lie to yourself for the rest of your life, and be something you are not? Hmmm....
I think Nicholas cage did good in that role. I like seeing him be a little paranoid and neurotic, it suits him. What else?

Oh yeah, believe it or not I just watched What Dreams May Come, I know it’s an old movie but I had never really paid attention to it. I really liked it.
Other than that, I haven’t really done much. George baked on Sunday so I had a peace of chocolate cake. I am also kind of psyched out because I have a little performance coming up. I will be singing for the Latino Leadership for the Library event honoring Carlos Fuentes with the International Latino Literature Award, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center Downtown. This won’t be until October 21st but I have to start practicing already.
It’s been a while since I’ve done this. My friend Carlos and my brother Jerry are actually getting together with me to help me out. I think I might end up doing a duet or two with him.
Songs will include, but are not limited to:
Sabor A Mi-C
Solament Una Vez-G
Cien AƱos-D
Tu Solo Tu-F
Perdon- Am or G
La Negra Noche-
Perfidia- G
Amaneci Otra Vez-C
Cuando Decidas Volver- A
Se Me Olvido Otra Vez- A
La Diferencia-D
La Gloria Eres Tu- G
Te Quize Olvidar-
Antologia- C
I’m pretty sure I will add others later but I have to think more about it. It will be for about 40-45mins. so those should be enough. I might take some out and but some others in. Any suggestions?
Well, that’s about it. I have class today and it’s raining outside. Not sure if we are going to have class or if he is just going to cancel it for the evening.
OK no pressure Dari, but that's a lot of songs. Although knowing you, you can do anything. I am sure you will do just fine. With mariach, I suppose??
Hey, Dari how is your plan for looking fab at the event coming? Let me know if you need any help or ideas. Hope to hear from you.
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