Friday, October 15, 2010

Me in Many Ways

Looking back at things that have passed, come and gone, lived and wilted, is inevitable isn't it? I've been living my life the way I've wanted, at the pace that I chose..and I haven't been happier or more fulfilled than now.
My riches extend beyond my comprehension, and surprises me to feel how calm I finally am.
I've followed the lining of my scars, tracing the path of experience and resolution. Not sure of where things will lead I give myself to the day freely. I plan, but I am ready for changes in the understanding that nothing is predetermined.
I look through the opportunities and endless possibilities. I dream of new horizons and clear and thundering skies, but I don't close my eyes. I am aware; I take everything in. The room, the space, the air itself connects with me. My breathing, steady, my mind commited.
With vision finally in focus, I invite the change in me, the hope, the fear, everything that is in me that reminds me that I live and therefor I have choice.
I work, concentrate, plan, execute, share myself and I smile. I share my smile. I share because I choose. I choose because I can.
What a marvelous thing...

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