Ok so I should have known by now not to say “never” or “always” under any circumstances because chances are you will, you have, or you did at least once in your life in which case “never” and “always” will not apply.
Then why have “never” and “always” in our vocabulary? DRAMATIC Effect. Yes, I’ve decided that the reason words like these exist in the English language it’s because we need words that carry weight and convey our anxieties and help us make a point.
I know that at least I use “never” and “always” when I loose my cool, which seems to happen often lately. I’ve told my self I will never do this or that and yet here I am. Here I stand after so many dos that should have been don’ts yes, I am a mess.
So now I have choices to make to make it right. I need to get over what I feel and how messed up things are and get up and start doing something about it. Why am I writing this? Well, I kinda want to remind myself later of what was going through my head at the moment. I’m about to reach difficult decision and I want to be clearheaded when I make it.
I really don’t want this moment to pass me by and then there I will be a few months from now with my dos that should have been don’ts wondering why the hell I was so stupid!
Hey Dary my phone's been out lately ...but I wanted to see how you were....I hope you are doing better....if you need anything just email me...if not I might have my phone up again...take care
e-mail me to dlo611@yahoo.com so that I can have your e-mail again.
ooopps that was:
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