Yes, it has been a while. What can I say, I had to deal with a bunch of stuff. I had been ill for a while and that was not fun at all. I ended up having to miss work and school and I won't know what the doctor will do to me in January. She wanted to see me then, to see if I have to have surgery or something.
Basically playing catchup and everything. I have a final at 5pm today too so I've been studying through out the day. It's weird, everytime I see my own handwriting from even a month ago it seems foreign to me.
I had not posted anything in a while because I found no time to do it. Right now I am only taking a break from staring at my notes and then I'll hit the books again.
Did anyone see Big in O5' ? I did. I guess it was ok, I have a few comments on that but might post them later. I have also seen at least to movies since the last time I have written anything so I have something to say about that too.
I've seen the new Harry Potter movie, The Chronicles of Narnia, and Aeonflux. I really liked Aeonflux. I really didn't think I would like it as much as I did. The Chronicles could have been better. They skipped a lot of scenes that could have been enjoyable and justified because of the story line. Kids liked it, I could have sat there for another 45mins. watching relevant fight scenes and training exercises for the children. So that is that.
On Christmas: Still don't know if I am going to end up going to El Paso, TX or I will go to Eagle Pass to see my parents. I am not sure how New Year's looks like as of right now.Time will tell.
I hope I get to post something else before the year is over at least. Oh, and translate some pages.
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