A couple of weeks ago I was speaking to my brother and it seemed like all his friends (him included) had this obsession with Family Guy. I think the show is pretty funny but I wouldn't spend money on purchasing the seasons. I suppose I do enjoy watching the cartoon but I only watch it when I am going through the channels and I just happen to find it on. There has been one thing that has been bothering me ever since I paid attention to the credits. I can not figure out which character is played by Seth Green. Then I went to search for Seth Green and it turns out that he also appeared on Stephen King's IT in 1990. I didn't know that! I can't even picture him being 12 yrs old. One of the first times I had seen him on TV was for the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and that was way back. So it's kinda weird.
What was really funny the day before yesterday I went to watch The 40 Year Old Virgin. I don't remember the last time I laughed that hard. It was hysterical mostly because the situations were so embarrassing that you couldn't help but to feel bad for him. I loved it. Even walking out of the theater I still had the images in my head. It's worth to watch but it is definitely rated R. I wouldn't take my little brother to go watch it. It can be explicit. Great Adult Comedy. I first notice Steve Carell on Bruce Almighty aside from the Daily Show. He currently has about three other movies in production.
Blog dispatches
"I am getting very angry about this situation because these folks causing the problems are seriously hindering the relief efforts.
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Seth Green, also the "chi ching, chi ching" guy from the burgerking commercial, remember?? oh you were probably 5yrs old, running around w/chocolate all over your mouth, going "aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh". I mostly remeber him from the "chi ching comercial". I like him in Austin Powers movie. Yeah OK then! til next time...(there went 5 minutes of my life I will never get back)
Yep, pretty much there they went. No I don't remember and yes, I was probably running around going "aaaaahhhhhhhh" (for all you readers, this is an inside joke..if you don't get it don't worry about it). I will probably post more later on today. I am not sure. It's been crazy...aaaaahhhh.
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