Friday, August 26, 2005

I'm So Good At...

Ok, so maybe we shouldn't have gone on a weekday but it was worth it. I took some pictures with my camera phone but I have not been able to retrieve them from it. I really need to start carrying my digital camera around, you wouldn't believe the kind of pictures I would be able to take.
Well, to tell you the truth I was a bit disappointed when I didn't go to the Alejandro Fernandez, Marc Anthony, and Chayanne concert on Saturday night. I really wanted to listen to live music. Well I got to do just that last night at the Broadway Bar. Jawbreaker was good. Good music no kiddin'. (If you have no idea who Jawbreaker is you can refer to the previous post) Of course I was with nice people too so that was a plus. it was fun. I got home a bit after 2:00am like a good little girl. (hehehe)
One of the best parts of the whole experience was that I must have had around 11 drinks now that I think about it...mostly some sort of martini, shots, and the occasional blue Hawaiian and the bartender only charged me $13.50!!! That was awesome!!!
And so, we all survived the whole ordeal and showed up to work the next day. Party included: Jessie, Jonathan, 2 of Jonathan's friends, Daniel, and Alexei..oh and some weird individuals that stared at us occasionally but we paid no attention. So that was fun, unfortunately the weekend will be spent on house chores and working out. Maybe a bit of extracurricular activities that might deviate from the initial plan but I'll talk about it Monday I guess.
Have a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, if your weekend started out like did it end? Oh I saw "Sin City". Very good...