Or is it? Some say that history can never repeat itself, which is technically true since we can never really be in the same circumstance, emotional state, or place in space in order for this to actually happen.
Think about what you have learned in the past year, or even the past few months; can you really unlearn ? Ignorance is bliss you say? I think not.
Who is the biggest sinner, the one that sins only, or the one that sins with the knowledge of sinning and does it anyway?
So in the realm of all things considered, would you in essence like to unlearn what you’ve learned? Ignorance of sin makes one less guilty? Hmmm…
Personally I like to think that most people would ultimately decide on truths, left or right, sink or swim, purely based on what is tangible. Exhibit A: My boyfriend is an ASSHOLE…but I love him that way = don’t bitch when he breaks your heart because he IS and ass.
So based on this idea of truths, are we programming ourselves to repeat past mistakes based on our ignorance of things or our selective ignorance of truths around us?
We continue the path of our lives and outline our battle wounds and try to understand how this affects our actions and reactions.
What may be some things we might ignore? Am I happy with my career? Do I like my job? Do I like where I am living now? Am I a good friend? Do I support my family? Am I in the right relationship? Do I love the person that I am? Do I love the person that I am with?
Why do I work here? Why am I with him/her? Why am I there/ not there for others?
Anything short of : because I choose to, raises red flags.
Know thyself = inner peace.
Ignorance is bliss? I think not.